Getting into college is challenging, but if you follow the right steps and know what to look for, it won’t be nearly as difficult as you think it will be. There are many factors that can affect your college admissions chances. Not only do you need to focus your activities on those that will help you get into the school of your choice, but also focus on activities that will boost your chances even more. Here are my top 3 pieces of advice that can help you get into college:
The first thing you will want to do when planning of getting into your dream college is figure out what you want to study. You’ll want to make sure you have a good idea of the major you’re interested in so that you can focus your efforts there. However, this is not the only thing that you need to be flexible with. You should also be flexible with your schedule and your classes, especially if you’re taking a lot of them. You don’t want to be so rigid that you miss out on activities and classes that you can use to boost your college admissions chances.
Your goal is to find a college where you can thrive academically and personally; therefore, your college admissions journey should focus on discovering the school that is the right fit for you.
Your ally will be the college admissions officers whose goal is to identify students who will benefit from their unique collegiate communities.
When you meet up with your friends and family ask them about what did they do, especially about the admissions process. Nothing will give you an inside look into what’s going on like talking to someone who already walked the path or actually works there.
You have several people you can turn to for help – your parents, family members, high school counselor, college friends, and others who are in your corner, cheering for you to get into the college of your dreams!
You can also go to college tours or open house events and talk to current students to see what their experience was like, as well as get insight into how classes are run. Going to college has many steps, so make sure you’re doing everything you can to get information from expert sources.
One of the best ways to boost your college admissions chances is to take advantage of the application deadlines. This is especially true for wait-listed and top-tier colleges as these schools have less time to accept applications than regular deadlines do.
You can find the application deadlines for any school you are applying to on their admissions website.
If you already know where you plan to attend, mark your calendar so you won’t miss the deadline, and apply as soon as possible to make sure that you are not left out.
While you need to focus on activities that will help you get into a particular college, you should also remember to make the most of what you have at your school. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many students don’t take advantage of what is already in front of them.
If you are at a school with a great career center or a great extracurricular organization, make the most of those resources. These types of activities can be used to help you further your college admissions chances, by giving you access to powerful resources that can be used to boost your application.
If you are not sure how to best use these resources, make an effort to talk to a college admissions counselor, who can help you navigate these waters.
When it comes to getting into college, the path is not an easy one. In fact, it is quite the opposite; it is very challenging. You need to have a strong application and be ready to work hard to make yourself stand out. However, there are ways to make this process easier and boost your college admissions chances. By following these tips, you will be on your way to attending your dream school!
Planning for and applying to college can be an overwhelming and stressful process for high school students but it doesn’t have to be!
As an Ivy League graduate, a former Ivy League interviewer, and a college admissions coach, I have a track record of helping students successfully navigate the college admissions process to get into their best-fit colleges.
With my best-selling book, “How to Get Into College in 30 Days”, I provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to preparing for, applying to, and getting into college.
Available on Kindle and Paperback